Home » This Week [7/18-7/24]

Weekly Schedule of Events

7/19 Monday

  • Exercitium Linguae Latinae (2:00-2:30pm ET). Legemus ex Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata ut melioremus nostrum locutionem et augeamus familiaritatem vocabulis.
  • Semiotics: An Introduction (6:00-6:45pm ET).  The second discussion of the week for the Semiotics seminar–how do signs shape our thinking?  In what manner does the vehicle affect the interpretant, and how does the interpretant regard the object?  How are we to classify the signs we use?  These are open-ended questions, to which Peirce gives us guidance but no final resolutions..

7/20 Tuesday

  • Ex Sancto Thoma Legimus (9:30-10:00am ET).  Legemus ex Sancto Thoma et convertit in linguam Anglicam; practicum bonum et utile est!
  • Philosophical Happy Hour (5:30-7:00pm ET). Join us for drinks, conversation, lively debates, and get to know the Lyceum Institute and its members!  Open to the public: use the “Send Us a Message” form here (write “Happy Hour” in the message box) and we’ll see you on Teams!

7/21 Wednesday

  • Exercitium Linguae Latinae (2:00-2:30pm ET). Legemus ex Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata ut melioremus nostrum locutionem et augeamus familiaritatem vocabulis.

7/22 Thursday

  • Elementary Latin (6:00-7:00pm ET).  Continuing into week two of our new introductory Latin Class, proceeding throughLingua Latina Per Se Illustrata.  If you are interested in learning Latin, check out the class!  It’s not too late to sign-up!

7/23 Friday

  • Open Chat (9:30-10:15am ET). Our regular Friday-morning open chat, allowing conversation between those in the West and those in the East–bridging the international community of the Lyceum Institute.
  • Exercitium in Lingua Latina (11pm-12am ET).  Etiam exercitium in Lingua Latina!  Ista hora conveniens Orientalibus est (11am Manila time).

7/24 Saturday

  • Intermediate Latin Class (10-11am ET).  Postquam Syra facta Marci ad Quintum intimavit, ea narrat fabulam Theseum et Minotarum eum.  Legemus et convertemus (in linguam Anglicam) capitulum XXV ex Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata.
  • Seminar Discussion Sessions: Week 7 of 8.
    • ​​​​​​​Science: Aristotle’s Organon (1-2pm ET).  Diving into book II of the Posterior Analytics, we progress to a consideration of the method of scientific examination itself.  Here, we will see how important is the middle term in attaining demonstrations of a properly scientific kind.
    • Semiotics: An Introduction (3-4pm ET).  What do we mean by “reality”?  Or “belief”?  How are they related to “truth”?  These are our questions this week: and here, pulling together some of the varied threads we have seen in the previous weeks, we will see how the right understanding of signs can lead us from thought to truth itself: and all the benefits thereof.
    • Thomistic Psychology: World and Passions (5-6pm ET).  Anger–rage–hatred.  They are emotions familiar to us today, confronted as we are with a media panopticon of injustices and the suggestion that we are victims somehow.  But is this the right and fitting purpose of anger?  Or does it have some role to play, a more important role, in the pursuit not of vaguely-articulated rights, but rather in the rectifying of our pursuit of the true good?

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