Education and its opportunities have long been constrained by the practical necessities of our lives. Time, place, and the extrinsically-imposed demand that we subjugate ourselves to servile labor in order to earn a paycheck have prohibited many from integrating education into their lives beyond the classroom. The Lyceum Institute is here to change that. By utilizing the digital technology now always at our fingertips, we are building a community dedicated not only to continual, lifelong learning, but to building better intellectual habits and to providing real education in our digital world.

We do not offer a set or limited program, a course, a certification process, nor a place simply to find content for passive consumption. Rather, the Lyceum provides a living education as an integral part of one’s life: a digital environment that enables, encourages, and supports the development of perfective human habits.

Habits of Thinking for Serious Inquirers

Our environment gives every member the chance to study in close, personal settings with real scholars: not mere experts in particular fields of study, but those who live an intellectual life that seeks out wisdom in daily practice. As a community, everyone is encouraged to engage with everyone else in honest, open, charitable, and fruitful discussion in pursuit of the truth: whether one is a novice or well-read, a neophyte in philosophy or a PhD, the Lyceum Institute offers a place to further those interests and advance not only in learning, but understanding. Ours is a community dedicated to revitalizing virtue, through speculative discovery and resolution that extends into moral practice.

At the heart of these intellectual habits is the mastery of language: pursued in the discursive study of the Trivium and the study of other languages. Having gained a deeper understanding of language, we further encourage the asking of questions both in the quaestiones disputatae program, as well as through colloquia and symposia. Put otherwise, deep thinking about the nature of language allows us to develop also the habit of thinking philosophically.

Resources for Continued Thought

The digital technological paradigm, though it presents many challenges for living a good and fulfilling human life, also provides many opportunities for building up the repositories of inquiry. As such, the Lyceum Institute emphasizes the inherent archivality of the digital: such that we not only many courses and seminars per year—combining both synchronous and asynchronous instruction—but preserve much of each course and seminar’s content for future use. We also employ this archivality to store and make accessible a large selection of other resources, including texts, diagrams, videos, and more.

Explore our site to learn more about how the Lyceum Institute is changing education in the digital age.

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