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The increasingly complex world of work has resulted in a proliferation of professional development programs. These programs often suffer from either (or both) of two key flaws: first, they are geared entirely towards the development of skills without any regard for thinking; and/or they are structured through superficial concepts of pop-psychology (e.g., Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, DiSC, etc.).

While many professionals do benefit from continued training—gaining new skills and competencies—these programs neglect many of the core capacities for improving one’s craft. Passive content consumption cannot teach mastery of these core capacities (communication, deep knowledge, logical thinking). We need real human guidance.

Our professional development programs, for both Educators and Corporations, provide a unique combination of synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for employees at every level. Our programs are based on an extensive knowledge of classical and contemporary intellectual traditions. We focus on language, habits of thinking, development of culture, and integration of education into daily living. For educators, we strive to bring a deeper knowledge of these traditions into their institutional practice. For corporations, we help bring common purpose to the fore by improving communication across the board.

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