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Education, as every good educator will rightly know, does not cease when we graduate. But today it is no small irony that many educators themselves lack the resources and opportunity to continue their own intellectual development. As the need for a retrieval of classical education becomes increasingly evident—and demanded—it can become a struggle for schools involved in this retrieval and their employees to acquire the necessary learning.

Providing a Communal Culture of Inquiry

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Among the biggest difficulties obstructing the pursuit of continued education: the lack of communal environment. Anyone with fond memories of his or her education recognizes that, while the studies themselves were exciting and attractive, such endeavors are greatly magnified by having a community of likeminded inquirers with whom one can discuss and investigate the wonders of truth.

Enter the Lyceum Institute. As a fully-digital institution, we provide a flexible approach to providing all our members an intellectually-enriching environment in which they may engage in studies of the classical tradition. With the evolving digital sphere—whereby we have connectivity always at our fingertips—we are able to make this environment present without being intrusive, accessible without requiring lost time in travel or great cost. Our programs include theoretical investigations and practice within the classical Trivium of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; language study with a special focus on Latin (and plans to expand into Greek, German, and more); informal literary and historical programs; and an annual calendar of intensive philosophy seminars, covering topics from ethics to semiotics, politics to metaphysics, Thomistic psychology to phenomenology, and much more in between.

As the world seeks sources of wisdom—guiding lights for our troubled times—it is essential that educators themselves continue to pursue and deepen their own understanding. Allow us to help.

Download our “Communal Culture of Inquiry” PDF to learn more about the approach and program which the Lyceum Institute can offer—and submit an inquiry below to ask about pricing and other details.

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Submit a Community Inquiry today to learn how the Lyceum Institute can help build your culture.